Friday, February 3, 2012

My Son's First Gun

So his first gun is the Legends of the Wild West "Rustler" (apparently that's what it's called).  I like it because it takes the 8-shot cap ring, which I couldn't afford when I was a kid--and even then, I lived in Africa.  And Wal-Mart probably wasn't yet a glimmer in Sam Walton's eye. . . . 

I got the Rustler for him because he needs a gun.  That is, he needs a toy gun, since he "owns" a Henry lever-action .22, a 10/22, and a couple others that he can’t use until he’s older.  They’re the “tools.”  This gun is the “toy.”  I keep the tools for now.  He keeps the toy. 

Disclaimer: I’ve played with the Rustler, too.  It’s pretty cool.

He’s liked his “cowboy gun” ever since he unwrapped it.  He’s still too small to pull the trigger, but he’s quite happy to run around the house making shooting noises, and saying “hands up!” and then shooting his now-unarmed assailant.  I can say he didn’t learn that from me. 

Anyway, it’s good to see him with a revolver.  He has two sisters, and the last thing I need is for him to play with dolls and want to dress up.  He’s happy with his gun, and when he can’t find it he’ll make pretty much anything into a gun—a couple weeks ago it was a plastic hanger.  Then it was a toy rolling pin.
The next gun for him will be the shotgun version.  A friend of mine has one, and was shooting people with it at his 60th birthday party.  I hope I get to shoot a gun like that at my 60th.

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