Thursday, February 16, 2012

You have a GUN in the house???

The other day a teenager told me she didn’t know you could own a gun in America.  She had just learned about the 2nd Amendment.  At first I got wound up for political reasons, but then I thought, you know,  she’s a girl, so that’s one strike against her as far as having someone teach her about guns (I know—sad, but true).  Next I thought: well, she probably has a dad who isn’t a gun guy.  Maybe his dad wasn’t a gun guy.  Now, I’m sure there is a War for Independence veteran somewhere way back up the family tree, but unfortunately he's not around anymore to teach anyone about all the reasons we need to own guns.  Finally I felt sadness—sadness because that little girl grew up in a home without a gun. 

Can you imagine living in a home without a gun?  That sounds awful. Think of all the fun you’ve had with firearms throughout your life (maybe you’re a newcomer—but there’s a reason you’re here, right?).  Now imagine a home where everyone sits around and smiles pleasantly and unimaginatively at each other, where no little kids run willy-nilly through the living room yelling “Pow!  Pow!  Pow!  I got you!”  Imagine a home where boys don’t make guns out of My Little Ponies.  Or imagine a little boy or a little girl—your kid's friend—who comes to your house and hears you talking about a gun.  Imagine the look of wonder that would come over his or her face, the look of attraction to the mysterious forbidden treasure.  Imagine what would happen if your kid needed to defend himself, and had access to a gun, but didn’t know how to load or shoot it.  Ugh.  Lord have mercy.

Kids should grow up with a gun in one hand and a book in the other.  I’m dead serious.

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